
Odyssey distributor

At TVH, we only bring our customers quality products from brands that we know and trust. That’s why we recommend and supply ODYSSEY® batteries. Our commitment to impeccable service and our in-depth expertise mean that if you need a reliable supplier for ODYSSEY batteries and parts, you can count on TVH to deliver the goods. Shop at TVH and enjoy the many benefits:

  • 95% same-day shipment, next-day delivery to all our customers.
  • Customer support in 42 languages.
  • A dedicated technical support team that will provide you with the best possible service.
  • A database of over 44 000 000 item numbers, with more than 930 000 different references in stock.

Looking for an ODYSSEY batteries supplier? You’ve come to the right place. TVH is your one-stop shop for all your ODYSSEY battery needs! Get access to our online shop to find the full range of ODYSSEY batteries, request quotes and place orders.

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ODYSSEY batteries are produced by EnerSys Energy Products Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of EnerSys. EnerSys® is a global leader in stored energy solutions for automotive and industrial applications. With manufacturing facilities in 17 countries, sales and service locations throughout the world, and over 100 years of experience in the battery business, EnerSys is a powerful partner for automotive, marine and heavy-duty equipment, and powersports service and parts providers.

Why choose ODYSSEY batteries?

  • Massive starting power
  • Long service life
  • Extended cycle life
  • Extreme temperature tolerance
  • Vibration resistant
  • Hardly any need for maintenance

Discover our range of ODYSSEY batteries

TVH offers a range of ODYSSEY starter batteries. Starter batteries give engines the powerful boost they need to start running. They’re used in all sorts of vehicles, including cars, trucks and tractors, and industrial machines such as forklifts, mini-excavators and telehandlers.

Looking for a new ODYSSEY starter battery? Always check the voltage (V), current (Ah) and dimensions of your current battery to find the perfect match for your machine!


Looking for an ODYSSEY batteries catalogue?

We offer handy catalogues to help you find out more about parts and products. They provide useful information, along with technical datasheets containing all the details you need.

Our catalogues are available in multiple formats. Click the link below to download a digital copy or order a physical copy in our online store.

Browse our online catalogues

Why choose TVH as your ODYSSEY batteries distributor?

Our comprehensive range of ODYSSEY batteries and parts is competitively priced. We also offer next-day delivery, and a dedicated technical support team is on hand to provide all the assistance and support you need. If you’re looking for ODYSSEY batteries for repairs or replacements, you’ll find them at TVH. Need a battery type that’s not in our catalogue? Contact us and we’ll do our best to source it for you.

Global support team
Global support team

With 63 different nationalities and 55 spoken languages in the company, we can offer customer support in your own language.

Over 50 years of experience
Over 50 years of experience

We've grown from 2 founders to a company of more than 5000 employees, with offices and distribution facilities on every continent.

49 500 000 known references
49 500 000 known references

The most extensive range of parts for material handling, industrial, construction and agricultural equipment. We continuously grow our offer, with more parts and accessories arriving every day.

95% of orders shipped the same day
95% ship the same day

We collaborate with local shipping companies to deliver every order within the promised timeframe. To ensure a fast delivery, we ship 95% of orders on the same day of ordering.

Buy your ODYSSEY parts in three easy steps

Go to our online shop to unlock our full ODYSSEY batteries product range. From there, you can:

  • Order ODYSSEY batteries directly from TVH through your own software.
  • Save time and find the right parts easily by registering your machines. You can customise your equipment records by adding your own reference, images, documents and notes.
  • Immediately see the price, lead time, availability, pictures and technical features for every ODYSSEY product.

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Get access to our full range of Odyssey batteries in our online shop.

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