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How to install a hydraulic pump?
11 April 2022
To guarantee the lifetime of your hydraulic pump, it's important to closely follow all steps of an installation. TVH is happy to help you with that. Have a look at our movie that will guide you through the successful installation of a hydraulic pump.
Discover our engine parts
11 April 2022
In this infographic you can discover all the engine parts of your machine. Do you recognize all parts? Download the infographic and test your knowledge.
Drive belt guide: keep your engine running
11 April 2022
Drive belts are found in all kinds of machines. This whitepaper primarily focuses on drive belts used in industrial equipment that connect to engines.
The ultimate construction equipment checklist
24 March 2022
Whether it’s winter or summer: the machines across a construction site deserve the best care. Discover which 10 wear parts are essential to keep construction machinery in optimal condition.
How Is A Micro Switch Used?
12 August 2021
A micro switch, or a miniature snap-action switch, is an electronic device used to make or break the flow of electric currents. A micro switch typically contains an actuating plunger that travels a...
When You Should Replace Your Alternator
12 August 2021
The alternator is a vital component of your equipment's electrical system, however, knowing when to replace it can be difficult. Typically, there are signs when your alternator is starting to fail...
04 August 2021
Want to get rid of your worn parts? We may be interested! Electric motors, joysticks, printed circuit boards, speed controllers, battery chargers and more. We buy your old parts, provided that they...
04 August 2021
Replacing an electronic component can be a real hassle at times. Not to worry though, we’re here to help. If you’re lucky, the new electronic component you need to install is plug & play. This means...
How to discharge your lead-acid batteries
03 August 2021
A lead-acid battery is the most expensive part of your equipment. Making sure it’s in good condition is not just important for keeping your equipment functioning properly - it can also save you lots...
Download your free filter maintenance infographic
23 June 2021
Checking and changing the filters will keep your machines in top working order. Performing maintenance on time helps to prevent damage and breakdowns, boosts safety and efficiency, and saves you money...
4 situations to replace the wheels of your pallet truck
21 April 2021
Your first thought is probably: ‘when they are worn, of course’ But when are the wheels actually worn and when do they need replacing? If you recognise one of the below situation, then don't hesitate any longer to replace the wheels of your pallet truck. This way, you also avoid damage to your pallet truck later on.
How to avoid wear to the wheels of my pallet truck
20 April 2021
Do the wheels on your pallet truck also wear out fast? Nevertheless, it is quite simple to extend the life span of your wheels. To do so, it is important to know what the causes are of premature wear. Different factors can have an influence on the rate of wear on your wheels.