Jan Keirse & Tom Desmet (TVH) - Cloud and MicroServices: a report from the trenches

05 Juni 2019
Jan Keirse

Info Talk:

Share real-world experiences where the potential of cloud could be used when coming from a more traditional IT landscape. Focus on high-level aspects of a microservices implementation that might be relevant for people starting the journey.


Tom Desmet is Solution Architect active over 17 years active within IT at TVH. He is the lead of a high-performance team of IT innovators & architects. He has a broad technical experience in both software development & infrastructure technologies. As TVH has gone through a substantial growth over the years, he has been exposed to a lot of practical challenges to support that growth, helping to mature the in-house IT ecosystems. He has boots-on-the-ground experience with the practical consequences of operating a complex IT environment. With a pragmatic mindset, he approaches the challenges of aligning with industry’s IT technology best practices. Together with the strong, motivated TVH IT team, he’s committed to deliver a state-of-the-art IT landscape.

Jan Keirse is a Technical Architect at TVH. He joined TVH 13 years ago as an intern, doing devops before devops was a word. After a short time writing software for the purchase department he moved on to write tooling for the developers. After about 6 years Jan was the first developer in the new R&D team where his first project involved moving to Google Apps. Over the years he has done projects and proof-of-concepts in a wide variety of technologies, working both on state of the art while at the same time helping to keep the legacy running and bring it forward. In his spare time Jan is an avid photographer, amateur woodworker and happy husband.

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