10 November 2021
TVH Organizes Annual Adopt-A-Street Clean-Up


TVH is dedicated to making our world a cleaner and better place to live for everyone. We know that our business practices have a lasting impact on our community and the environment we live in. That is why we're thrilled to participate again this year in the Adopt-A-Street program in Olathe, KS.

The Adopt-A-Street program is a volunteer opportunity that provides businesses and other organizations the opportunity to work with the city of Olathe to help improve the environment in our community. Through this program, TVH has adopted one mile of highway in front of our Americas headquarters. TVH held two clean-up events this year where employees volunteered to help restore this stretch of Lone Elm road. Through these clean-up efforts, TVH collected a substantial amount of trash and debris and helped remove harmful pollutants from our community.

“The Adopt-A-Street program is a fantastic program for TVH to participate in. It symbolizes our commitment to the environment and our greater community,” said Simon Witdouck, Vice President of TVH Americas. “This continuous commitment gives our employees opportunities to make a positive impact in our community, and we are so proud of the volunteers who took time to make a difference for the better.”

Participation in events like Adopt-A-Street, along with our implementation of green business practices, continues to demonstrate TVH’s commitment to creating a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable world to work and live in.

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